Monday, September 12, 2011

Job Bill/Education

Ok I have many problems with the new Job bill that Obama is pushing for but I will start slow and break this down into a couple posts. The first question I have is why does everything have to be signed "Now", "Sign this Bill Now"? Now I by no means am asking for years to review bills that he or any other politician pushes but give us a little time to review the bill and assess the situation. Not everything has to be passed the minute it is written up Mr Obama. I am looking to get a new house right now, and we are on draft 3 of what should be a pretty standard form, minor changes here and there need to be made to make it most fitting for me and my wife. Do you think that everything in your bill is 100% right? NO ITS NOT!! Review the damn thing and make sure that it is fitting and the best thing we could do for the country!!!
Now to the actual bill... I am going to say this and I do not want some of you to take this the wrong way... EDUCATION!!! Where in the constitution does it state that the Federal Government should be putting moneys toward education?!?!?! This has upset me for years now. I do appreciate teachers, the things they do and think that they should be properly compensated. But I do not think that it is the Federal Governments job to take care of education. Education is one of the places the government spends money least effectively. The Fed Gov spent over $100 million dollars last year on education and every since the government has stepped into education it has taken an overall decline. I would like to see the school get great funding and be properly supported but I do not think that the Fed Gov should be the ones to do that. It is no where in there job description, not in the constitution, and wasted money as the results show. There are many other ways that schools could earn money and a properly run City/State Government along with a properly run school should have no problem funding themselves without Fed help. Get Rid Of All Fed Spending On Education!!!!!!!!! The Fed Government is not our daddy and we are not a 16yr old girl who needs money from daddy


  1. The bills can't be read, they're 1600 pages long.

    Are you suggesting that states take care of education or that education should be strictly private?

  2. 1600 pages is a weekend book for some ppl and a two year book for others.
    Every bill and its status is available online at the Library of Congress.
    But to answer your questions Yes I am saying education should only be paid for by the states or be private. It is not the federal governments job and is unconstitutional. If you could show me otherwise I would be happy to read.
    I am not suggestion the federal government one day stop paying, it should be gradual so the states can adjust.
    Supposedly every American is paying for their education one way or another so wouldnt it be better to have 50 little school banks with checks and balances than one big school bank who throws money around. And wouldnt that also create an education battle to see what state can educate the best, if you live in ohio and they have bad education but indiana has great education would you move for your kids sake? If so wouldnt that help they state of indiana and hurt ohio? Therefore creating balance? This is how America was made, with Balances and now most of them are gone
