Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Why Liberals Win!!

#1 Republicans are boring!!
Who wants to vote for a bunch of guys who are old, saggy and rich? The only old saggy rich guy who ppl want to vote for is Hugh Hefner, and we both all know why. When you go on YouTube and watch videos that are pro Republican you see boring videos filled with all these boring facts by some guy who is old and saggy trying to tell us how we should go back and follow a piece of paper a bunch of old saggy guys wrote. When you go watch videos that are pro democrat you get a bunch of super excited young ppl, girls half dressed and free give away's from the liberals.

#2 Spending is cool!
If you don't believe me watch TV, you buy anything and everything you can afford and if you can't afford it just use Visa. Hell get another visa, all your doing is doubling your chances of a free ticket to the Super Bowl.  Plus the government wouldn't spend more than they can afford, I mean these are the smartest men in the greatest country on the earth right?

#3 Free shit is cool!!
Who doesn't love free things! If I don't see myself paying for it it's free right?

It ultimately comes down to this, the republicans and the democrats are both "selling themselves" to the America ppl and the democrats have a much better marketing plan.

We need to take steps in getting or country back and the first step is we need to take is to get behind all these liberal programs such as healthcare aka Obamacare. We need to get behind thhem and show the American ppl that just like a good business with their research and development team we need to break this into 50 small healthcare teams. Show the American ppl that it's best for each state to run their own healthcare system fund it, give the ppl their choice of benifits and so on and so fourth. We need to get ppl excited about how it will benefit them. When the money hits closer to home and the state sees they cannot afford it they will come back to a free market. This needs to be done with all socialist programs. But they need to be sold as "why it's good the states run these programs" not "why these programs are bad"

This idea not only fits with the constitution but also helps America back on the right track financially.


  1. I agree with you, but you know it will be spun to be Republicans fault no matter what. They are already beginning to see it isnt going to be cost effective that is why many states said no way they would fund it.

  2. Great point Amanda! Just remember its a lot easier for a state to shut down a system like obamacare than it is to shut down the federal government system.

  3. Nah, I think this covers all the reasons why Obama won: :P

