Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Fear in the Market

Looking at past history I am giving my first ever stock tip on my blog. I have noticed that when president Obama gives an address to the nation regarding jobs or the economy the stocks tank. Now maybe this is a coincidence but I would say after the third fourth or even fifth time it's becoming a trend. A stock market trend!!! Now as a stated last week President Obama wil be giving a speech Thursday on job growth. If I were any of you I would make sure my stock/ risk exposure is minimal come Thursday morning. By EOD Friday the stocks should be at their low. This would be a great time to buy. Depending on your choice in purchase they should start to bounce back by early next week and may take up to a few weeks. The upside to this purchase is the dip is all based on fear and not bad business choices by the corporation. Take my advice lightly and do your research before you buy, I am not responsible for your losses however if you would like to throw some profits my way I would be much obliged. Thank you and have a wonderful day my fellow Americans


  1. We are on track, the market has plummeted since Obama's Speach

  2. Another trend is that stocks appreciate as the dollar depreciates. It's interesting that as the dollar depreciates, stock value goes up, and people think we're recovering; when in actuality a depreciating dollar is a bad thing.

    Might be why Obama is trying to destroy the dollar, it makes things look better than they really are. Also, an inflating dollar brings in more tax revenue.

    Just to kinda add to your tip, the dollar index is floating at around 80 at this time. As it goes up, expect stocks to plummet. (if it goes up)

  3. Jonathan, fun dollar fact for you.
    Until the civil war all states printed their own money and money was backed up by Gold to every last penny. When the civil war broke out the US government needed to fund the war so they printed their own money. It was at this point in time the federal government overstepped its boundry and started to influence the american dollar in ways they do not have the rights to.
